Sing Unto the Lord

My Dad
August 30, 2006, 1:13 pm
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I have just realised that my Dad has been commenting on my blog. I love my Dad. He’s a great guy. He is stronger than me. I spent today trying to outdo him by lifting things but he wouldn’t have it. Even when it looked like he was going to pop a hernia or something. Thats something I really admire about my Dad – His strength. He’s an awesome leader of our family and he is always seeking to serve us and his Lord better. Happy Fathers day everyone. Why don’t you comment here about what you love about your Dad.

August 29, 2006, 8:53 pm
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I’ve been thinking a little about this word lately. Tim Challies has written a helpful article about imputation and it’s unique characteristics. Worth a read!

Romans 11
August 28, 2006, 10:37 pm
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Hey everyone. I am giving a Youth group talk on Romans 11 this friday night. I find it a really hard passage to write a talk to teenagers on. Have a read here and let me know what you think.

mad big ups
August 28, 2006, 10:31 pm
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Mad Big ups to Jackson. He’s made a big decision lately… well tons of them and I reckon that he’s on the money.
Now if that wasn’t an obscure post I don’t know what is.

Mariners go down
August 27, 2006, 11:15 pm
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1-0. sydney. again.

Adrian Tindall
August 26, 2006, 12:50 am
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Hey Blog Dogs. We had our ten year anniversary dinner at church last night. It was a great night. One thing that stood out to me and has for a while is just how much extra time Adrian Tindall, our sound dude put into the night. Sound guys have such a significant part to play in an event like last night and Adrian worked from 11:30 yesterday just to get the whole place ready and set up. Good on you Adrian. We love you mate and Christ loves the works of service you are doing for us in our church.

August 24, 2006, 5:52 am
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Dave and I have a podcast called On the Poddy. This week we announced that if we didn’t get 20 e-mails confirming that people still listen then we would axe the show. The E-mails thundered in.
One interseting e-mail was from a Dutch Lady with her own blog. I can’t understand the words because its in Danish but you can make out a few. . Seems like she reviews podcasts then translates the gist of them into her native tongue.
We are truly going global.
Anyone have any other random overseas connections?

Riley the hell hound
August 20, 2006, 12:24 am
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Renae has been away for this weekend at her cousins in Brisbane. That means its just been me and the dog at home. He’s a pretty cool housemate except thhat he leaves chunks of meat lying around.
I really enjoy having a dog. I used to find him a pest and I still do sometimes but its good having something to walk with and he forces me to do exercise. He isn’t the best dog to have if you don’t like dogs though. He can be a bit in your face. I like him and I like that he likes me.

Socceroos? Sydney FC?
August 18, 2006, 3:32 am
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Has anyone seen the new Sydney strip? they are all wearing green and Gold.

I miss Jono
August 16, 2006, 2:51 am
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Hey there Blog watchers.
I thought I’d tell you all about my mate Jono. He is doing his final year of Physiotherapy at the moment and so is on an internship to Tamworth (about 5 hours away). We interviewed him on our podcast on friday night. I’m pretty sure he is the funniest person I know. I will miss him while he’s away.